23 Years of JSE! 

Back in 1998, John Shearer set up JSE Computing alone. Now, 23 years later, it’s a multinational company, with customers all over the globe; all the way over in America, in Spain, and right back at home here in Northern Ireland.

A lot has changed in the IT world since then; can you remember when the internet was something which you literally plugged in to the wall? As much as we enjoy the nostalgia, we are glad things have moved on to where we are today.

Today JSE are proud to have expanded into a business with a huge range of services. The combination of these services are unique to JSE Computing, and are only offer by a very select number of IT Consultants in the whole of the UK and Ireland.

One thing which hasn’t changed since the beginning, is our two passions: our customers, and our love of IT. These things won’t change in another 23 years, either.

Thank you to our loyal customers and great friends.